Adopted by the Board of Directors, 2024.
I agree and undertake to uphold the standards expected of all of those representing and associated with, on and off the playing field, Gwernyfed Rugby Football Club.
I will always act lawfully and with dignity and will act in a respectful manner to both person and property while representing and attending the Club.
I accept and recognise that any alleged breach of this Code brought to the notice of the Board of Directors may result in disciplinary action, I agree to co-operate fully with any investigations of such matters and to respect any decision arising from such investigations.
Clicking yes after reading this is you agreeing to adhere to this code and accept any sanctions laid out if broken by Gwernyed RFC. This undertaking will be retained by the Board of Directors and will be available for reference as and when required.
If you do not agree you will not be able to represent the club.